Cybersecurity, web & app developing, what skills are the most important?

So I’ll be enrolling into kaplan for their web/app development degree and it’ll be a double major in concurrent with a cybersecurity major. For anyone who has experience in the field or currently hiring someone to do with these fields, may i ask what would make me as a candidate stand out? or what would you be looking for.

Thanks to anyone who may reply to this! cheers :slight_smile:

Great choice on selecting a double major in web/app development and cybersecurity! To stand out as a candidate, you could consider developing a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and experience. This could include examples of projects you’ve worked on, certifications you’ve earned, and any relevant work experience. Additionally, having a passion for learning and keeping up with industry trends could also make you stand out as a candidate. Best of luck to you in your studies!